Study abroad

Why studying abroad in Singapore is always the top choice of Vietnamese students


In today’s integrated society, the opportunity to exchange and study in an international environment will open up countless valuable opportunities for young people. Therefore, finding a place to put “the future” is the top concern of parents. Join Phuong Nam to find out the reasons why studying abroad in Singapore is always the top choice of Vietnamese students.

Global reputation for quality education

Singapore has long been famous for its excellent quality of education not only in Asia but also around the world. The Lion Island is proud of its training quality that is not inferior to major study abroad markets such as the UK, USA, Australia, Canada,…

Why studying abroad in Singapore is always the top choice of Vietnamese students

Many universities in Singapore have training quality of international standards

For many years in a row, Singapore has been honored as the best performing place in the International Student Assessment (PISA) test conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Many universities here also hold high positions in international rankings. It can be mentioned that QS World University Rankings – Asia’s leading university, ranked 11th on the world’s prestigious university rankings. Studying abroad in Singapore is always the top choice because its educational quality has been tested by reputable organizations and experts in the world.

Besides, many large universities in Europe and America are strategic partners of Singapore. You can get degrees from American, Australian, and British schools right in Singapore.

High quality of life

Mercer, the world’s largest human resource management consultancy, ranked Singapore as the city with the highest quality of life in Asia in its 2019 Quality of Urban Living Survey. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has ranked Singapore as the second safest city in the world. Laws in Singapore are strictly enforced, which explains the very low crime rate in Singapore.

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Reasons to study abroad in Singapore

Singapore has a high quality of life

Singapore has a relatively stable political and social environment. Government agencies and commercial organizations tend to operate systematically, constantly developing alongside major powers in the world. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore was able to quickly control the number of infections and the rate of spread of the disease to continue promoting economic development.

Effective city planning, developed economy, favorable geographical location, convenient transportation, warm climate, friendly people. All of this is enough to answer the question Should I study in Singapore?

The culture is similar to Vietnam

In Singapore, Chinese people make up 74.2% of the population. Therefore, it is not surprising that Singapore has many cultural similarities with Vietnamese people. Many young people are afraid to experience unfamiliar Western culture, and many parents worry that their children will lose their national cultural identity if they live in a strange country for a long time. Then Singapore is definitely the ideal study abroad destination for Vietnamese students.

Reasons to study abroad in Singapore
Many Singaporeans follow Buddhism

You can easily make friends with people who have the same interests, the same religion, and the same opinions. You don’t have to worry about cultural differences making it difficult for you to integrate. These do not mean that everything in Singapore is the same as in Vietnam. You should learn carefully about traffic, laws, housing,… before coming study abroad in Singapore Please!

Reduce financial burden

First, proving financial resources is one of the biggest obstacles for many families with children studying abroad in developed countries. However, when study abroad in Singapore You will not have to waste time and money to do complicated financial proof procedures.

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Second, Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and is geographically very close to Vietnam. It only takes you 3 hours to fly from Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore. This also helps you save on travel costs. You can return to visit your family every holiday without traveling far or spending too much money.

Should I study abroad in Singapore?

Financial problems are always a big problem for international students

Finally, to answer the question “Why should you study abroad in Singapore? You will receive a degree of international quality at a much lower cost than in other countries. Besides, the cost of living in Singapore is not too high. The dream of studying abroad has never been easier when you choose Singapore.

Language barriers are no longer a problem when studying abroad in Singapore

Singapore was a British colony from 1819 to 1942, so Singaporeans are fluent in English. Later, in order for Singapore to develop and integrate, the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew proposed that the official language in Singapore be English.

Instead of having to learn another foreign language, you just need to improve your existing English. Many of you have spent 12 years learning English and are still not good at it, simply because you did not have the opportunity to use it and access it much while you were in Vietnam. Therefore, Singapore is Ideal study abroad destination for Vietnamese students – a place for you to improve your English.

Ideal study abroad destination for Vietnamese students

The official language in Singapore is English

Above are the reasons why studying abroad in Singapore is always the top choice of Vietnamese students. If you are planning to study abroad, Phuong Nam believes that this article will be a suggestion worth considering for you.

See also  Diversity in Singaporean culture

Tags: Study abroad in Singapore, Should you study abroad in Singapore, Ideal place to study abroad for Vietnamese students, why studying abroad in Singapore is always the top choice, Why should you study abroad in Singapore, why are Vietnamese students Should study abroad in Singapore, study abroad in Singapore, reasons to study abroad in Singapore

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