Study abroad

Study Marketing in Singapore


Marketing plays a big role in the business field, it helps connect customers with businesses to build brands and maintain long-term relationships with customers. This is also a hot field of study in recent years in developed countries, including Singapore. Join Phuong Nam Education to learn everything about Study Marketing in Singapore Please!

Why should you study Marketing in Singapore?

Singapore is a country located quite close to Vietnam. Vietnamese international students can save time and travel costs study abroad in Singapore. On the Lion Island, you will not encounter too many difficulties in cultural differences like studying abroad in Western countries. It will be easier for you to integrate and make friends, when the majority of students at the school are Asian students.

Besides, the quality of education in Singapore is also highly appreciated. This country’s economy is not the strongest, however there are still many multinational corporations choosing to set up representative offices here, in order to expand and exploit the potential Asian market. Therefore, the job opportunities for those studying abroad in Singapore are huge.

Study Marketing in Singapore

Should I study Marketing in Singapore?

Specifically about the Study Marketing in Singapore, students will be trained in basic to in-depth knowledge, experience practical practice, listen to the sharing of famous marketers in the region, and have the opportunity to work at many corporations. large,… In the future, Singapore plans to continue developing the Marketing industry according to new economic trends. It is promised that this field of study will continue to be “hot” for many years to come.

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Conditions for studying Marketing in Singapore

Compared to other study abroad markets, Singapore’s admission conditions are quite “easy”:

  • Students do not have to take an entrance exam, most universities use the admission method.
  • The visa interview is not too strict, parents do not have to prove their finances.
  • You can study university preparatory courses in Singapore if you do not have a high school diploma.
  • If you do not have the English certificates required by each school, you can register for an English course at the school before starting the main course.

Cost of studying Marketing in Singapore

In general, tuition fees at Singapore schools are much lower than schools in Canada, Australia and the US. Below is the reference tuition fee for the Marketing major in Singapore for about one school year (8 – 12 months):

  • College: $7.4 – 8.89 (168,402,000 – 202,310,000 VND)
  • University: $18.52 – 22.23 (421,462,000 – 505,891,000VND)
  • After university: $14.82 – 22.23 (333,043,000 – 499,565,000VND)

Cost of studying Marketing in Singapore

Attractive tuition fees when studying Marketing in Singapore

The best Marketing training schools in Singapore

Study abroad in Singapore at Kaplan Academy

Kaplan Academy, Singapore has been ranked as one of the most popular institutes in Singapore for many years. Kaplan Singapore is a member of KAPLAN Education Group (USA) – a leading international organization in educational services. Kaplan offers top-notch degrees in a variety of majors at every level of study: college, graduate, and English programs.

Reference tuition fee of Kaplan Academy for 8 months: $9.2 (about 209,365,000 VND)

Study Marketing in Singapore at James Cook University

James Cook University (JCU) is one of two universities with Edutrust Star certification (the highest certification of a private university in Singapore). Enough to evaluate the quality of training and reputation that the school brings to students. The school is a branch campus of James Cook University in Australia. James Cook University offers many majors, especially its Marketing major attracts many students, and currently JCU Singapore is among the top Marketing training schools in Asia.

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Tuition at the school ranges from: $13.95 (about 317,416,000 VND).

Best Marketing training schools in Singapore

James Cook University (JCU) – Singapore

Curtin School

Curtin Singapore is a branch of Curtin University Australia. Curtin is always at the forefront of global development trends, with advanced teaching quality, many students work in large corporations in Singapore after graduating. In addition, the school also has many branches located in Australia and Malaysia, increasing job opportunities in many countries for students. Courses at the school are internationally recognized for their educational quality and guaranteed output in many majors such as Business, Marketing, Finance,…

Reference tuition: $12.80 (about 291,290,000 VND).

PSB Academy – one of the best Marketing training schools in Singapore

No mention of PSB Singapore Academy in List of best marketing schools it’s really lacking. With a history of more than 50 years, PSB is gradually standardizing education and training. The school achieved a 4-year Edutrust certificate approved by the Singapore Ministry of Education. Up to now, the school has opened many more majors and diversified its training programs, but the school’s strengths still belong to the fields of Information Technology and Marketing.

Reference tuition fee of PSB Academy: about $8.43 (nearly 191,842,000 VND).

Top majors to study in Singapore

Study abroad in Singapore at PSB academy

Marketing is in the top 5 fields with the most students studying abroad in the US, Australia, UK, and Singapore. This is considered the field of study of the era, when a series of big brands invest in Marketing teams with attractive salaries. If you love creativity and a dynamic working environment, studying Marketing in Singapore may be one of the notable choices for you!

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Tags: study abroad in Singapore to study Marketing, study abroad in Singapore, cost of studying abroad in Marketing in Singapore, best Marketing training schools in Singapore, conditions to study Marketing in Singapore, top majors to study in Singapore, study Marketing in Singapore Singapore, should I study Marketing in Singapore?

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