Singapore culture

Interesting things in Singapore 2024?


Singapore has long been considered the richest and most developed country in our Southeast Asia region in terms of advanced technology, and its hospitals are also among the top in the world. Because of that prosperity and development, it attracts a large number of visitors every year. This is also an opportunity for the industry traveling to Singapore and Singapore tour develop. Singapore tour will promise to bring many new and interesting experiences to visitors so that you can understand more interesting things about this beautiful lion island nation.

Singapore Tour will introduce to you more about interesting things in Singapore 2024 maybe you don’t know

Interesting things in Singapore 2024 that you may not know

1. The country’s name is the same as the capital’s name

It’s true that Singapore is one of the countries in the world that has the same name as its capital. If you ask the question, what is the name of the capital city of Singapore, many people will certainly be confused because they do not know how to answer this question.

In Malay, Singapore is made up of the word “Sing” which means lion and the word “Pur” which means a city. This is one of the interesting things in Singapore that you may not know but you should know.


2. Singapore is formed from many small islands

Singapore has a low population density and an extremely modest area of ​​only 728.6 km2, so many people will think that Singapore is just a country with a tiny island on the map. It’s true that Singapore is just an island, but it is the largest island among 63 other large and small islands. Almost only Singapore is inhabited and the remaining islands are not.

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3. Singapore is in the list of top 20 smallest countries in the world

Singapore’s small area of ​​728.6 km2 when compared to Vietnam with an area of ​​331,690 km2 will lose more than 4 times in area, but because of such a modest area, Singapore has entered the list of top 20 small countries. best of the world. This is also one of the interesting things in Singapore that you may not know.

With a small area and limited resources, Southeast Asian countries, including Singapore, once considered Vietnam a “Pearl of the Far East” but now thanks to its commitment to development, it will rise in 2021. According to statistics, the GDP growth rate is 4th in Southeast Asia, surpassing Vietnam and behind the remaining 3 countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand.

In addition, this small island nation is leading the annual tourist tourist trend, and is also considered the dream of international students who want to develop and study here.

4. Singapore does not own any resources

One of them interesting things in Singapore 2022 Maybe you don’t know what’s next and it will surprise you even more. Do you believe that in this world there are countries that do not own any resources? That is this small lion island nation, a country without any resources that can be so rich and develop so dizzyingly.

Previously, clean water sources for Singapore were extremely scarce, so they had to go to diplomacy to buy clean water in neighboring Malaysia for use. It is the talented people of this country who have solved this difficult problem by building the first extremely modern and advanced seawater filtration plant.

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Without owning resources, how do they develop and get rich? Although they do not possess as many resources as other countries, they know how to take advantage of their strengths and have built a series of tourist architectural works, bustling shopping malls and many parks. Other entertainment are the reasons that attract a number of visitors traveling to Singapore huge every year.

5. Singapore with extremely strict laws

This is one of the things that can be annoying for some tourists interesting things in Singapore 2022 maybe you don’t know.

This lion island nation has long been famous for being the most civilized and “clean” in the world. To achieve such great achievements, Singapore has introduced a series of extremely strict regulations and laws. Anyone who violates them will be fined very heavily. So if you don’t want to lose a huge amount of money when traveling to Singapore, you should learn about their laws.


That is shown through the prohibition signs in the city as well as at the airport. When tourists set foot at the airport in Singapore, you will be dizzy with countless prohibition signs that prohibit chewing gum or not. Use an umbrella, don’t wear high heels, don’t run or jump, don’t smoke… You may feel uncomfortable with too many prohibitions, but “when you join the family, follow your customs” be a civilized tourist when you come. traveling to Singapore Please.

As soon as you set foot at the airport, you will be dazzled by dozens of prohibition signs. Eating gum, smoking, littering, etc. You may find it a bit annoying, but these are necessary to ensure a clean, civilized Singapore.

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6. Lion island nation but doesn’t own any lions

One of interesting things in Singapore 2022 Maybe you don’t know that this country is often called the island of lions, but here there is not a single lion. This name comes from Singapore’s sea lion statues, considered a symbol of their country.

Visiting a few local people living in Singapore, they learned that in the past this place was just an island with a lot of waste and fishing, so when taking the national symbol, they wanted something related to fish and fish. sea ​​so they chose sea lions as their national symbol.

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7. National flower of Singapore

Do you know what the national flower of this beautiful country of Singapore is? Vanda miss Joaquim is considered the national flower of this country, it is an orchid that blooms all year round with an extremely beautiful, colorful purple color. This flower was discovered by an Armenian in 1893. People see this flower as a symbol of aspiration and strength to rise in life.


8. Singapore is culturally and linguistically diverse

Last thing in interesting things in Singapore 2022 Maybe you don’t know that it is an extremely unique and special culture. This may be due to the harmonious combination of many different cultures together. This country has an extremely interesting population structure with about 78% Chinese, 7% Indians, and the rest Malays and some other nationalities.

One of the attractions of traveling to Singapore is its extremely unique culture. It is a harmonious combination of many different cultures. Because in the Singapore lottery structure, 78% are Chinese, 14% are Malay, 7% are Indian. The rest come from many different countries.


Toursingapore has introduced you to know more about interesting things in Singapore 2022 maybe you don’t know. Hopefully the above will be useful information as well as knowledge to help you have an adventurous journey traveling to Singapore in the most complete and perfect way. In addition, you can refer to travel news from other countries or for reference Thailand tour as Reasons why Singapore attracts tourists here.

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