Study abroad

What do you need to learn when studying abroad in Singapore?


Besides Asian powers such as China, Japan, and Korea, Singapore is also an ideal destination for international students who want to study in a country with a developed economy. Study abroad in Singapore is an opportunity for international students to explore the diverse cultural essence of the country using two of the world’s main languages. However, to be able to fully focus on their studies, international students need to learn about Singapore before setting foot on this island nation. Here’s what international students need to know before embarking on their study abroad journey.

What do you need to learn when studying abroad in Singapore?

The island nation of Singapore is splendid at night

Diverse languages

Singapore has four official languages: English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Because there are up to four languages ​​of communication, most Singaporeans can often speak multiple languages. For this reason, international students can feel overwhelmed the first time they communicate with local people. Although multilingual, English is considered the most commonly used language in this island nation, especially when they use Singaporean English.

Singaporean English is called by the people here “Singlish”, is of British English origin, borrowing additional words from Chinese, Malay and several languages ​​spoken in India. Although borrowed from other foreign languages, Singlish still originates from English so it will not be too difficult for international students to become familiar with this language.


Singlish – The typical language of Singapore

Following English is Mandarin, the second most widely spoken language in Singapore. The popularity of Mandarin in Singapore gives international students the opportunity to access one of the most famous languages ​​in the world.

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Unique features of Singaporean culture

Singapore is known for its extremely strict environmental laws that include littering, spitting or damaging public spaces. If a person violates these laws, they will be subject to very heavy fines. Therefore, international students need to pay attention to this to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.


Singapore’s laws are extremely strict

Besides, Singapore is also a place where cultures from all over the world meet, owning many coastal ports and welcoming a large number of immigrants. For this reason, Singaporean cuisine is an attractive combination of different flavors and ingredients. This contributes to making cuisine an indispensable part when it comes to Singapore’s national identity. International student study abroad in Singapore It may come as a surprise that food becomes a popular topic when chatting with locals. Because Singapore is influenced by many different cultures, Singaporeans are also very sensitive to dietary restrictions. However, whether you are a vegetarian or abstain from certain foods according to your religion, in Singapore you can still find a restaurant that suits your needs.


Singaporean cuisine is a diverse combination of many countries

Singapore’s education system

Singapore has public and private schools as well as international branches of schools in other countries. The time it takes to complete a study program in Singapore is relatively similar to many European countries, depending on the program and student’s level of study.

  • An undergraduate program typically takes three to four years to complete, with specialized programs such as medicine or engineering typically taking four years.
  • A graduate degree usually takes two years to complete. Some graduate programs such as teaching certificates can be completed in one year.
  • A PhD program takes two to five years to complete. It will usually take more than about five years if you choose to teach while studying.
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As a hub for technology, science and finance, Singapore places emphasis on STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics) subjects. However, in recent years, subjects such as arts and media have become more popular in Singapore. Competition for places at schools in Singapore is tough, so students need to check entry requirements carefully before applying.


Advanced and quality education system

Student card and Visa to study in Singapore

According to immigration regulations, if international students study in Singapore, they will need to have a Student Pass. The requirements and procedures for a Student Pass vary slightly depending on the type of educational institution you plan to attend. Students should check whether they are eligible and what procedures must be followed. This information is available on the Singapore Immigration Service website.

To apply for a Student Pass, international students must be accepted onto an approved full-time course in Singapore. Part-time courses and courses that take place in the evening or on weekends are not eligible. If a student wants to transfer to another school after their application has been approved, they will need a new Student ID card. To get this, students need to submit a new application. These are the two types of schools that typically require a Student ID:

  • University Research Institutes: International students will need to apply for a Student Pass if they are an international student who has been accepted onto a full-time course. You will also be required if you are a registered student at the Institute of Higher Education (IHL) in Singapore. The exception to this is students who already have an Immigration Exemption Order.
  • Schools in the Overseas System: International students will need to apply for a Student Visa if they are international students and want to study full-time in Singapore at the Foreign System School (FSS). If the student already holds a Dependent Card or Immigration Tax Exemption Order, they will be exempt.
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International students in Singapore need a Student Visa

Singapore is known as one of the largest technology, science and finance centers in the world. International students have the opportunity to come to Singapore to study as they have prepared themselves a good stepping stone to develop their future. However, adapting to life and the study program in Singapore is not easy for international students planning to study in Singapore. But this will be easier when international students learn about Singapore before starting to study abroad, it will be more helpful for integration and development in this island nation.

Tags: study abroad, study abroad in Asia, study abroad in Singapore, Singapore culture, Singlish, Singapore education, Singapore student visa, Singapore student card.

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