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Learn about the transportation system in Singapore


The transportation system often reflects the cultural characteristics of a country. In Singapore, people especially save on travel costs and to protect the environment, they choose to use public transportation. Vietnamese students who come to study here often encounter many difficulties because the transportation system in Singapore is quite different from that of Vietnam.

Learn about the transportation system in Singapore

The transportation system in Singapore is quite different from Vietnam

Some highlights of the transportation system in Singapore

Singapore owns a relatively small land area but has a large population. Therefore, the traffic system here is somewhat busy. The total length of the transportation system is up to 3,000 km. In recent years, the Singapore government has improved the transportation system relatively completely. People’s travel becomes easier and faster.

As in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand and East Timor, Singaporeans drive on the left. Most roads in Singapore are one-way. Those who come to Singapore to study or travel must absolutely obey traffic signs and signals. In places where there are no lines, you are not allowed to cross the road arbitrarily. The sense of respect and compliance with traffic laws in Singapore is very high, so you will be especially noticed if you accidentally or intentionally violate traffic laws.

On the streets of Singapore, you will hardly see motorbikes like in Vietnam. The speed of traffic in Singapore is relatively fast, up to 70-80 km/h, but accidents are rare. Another difference between traffic in Vietnam and Singapore is that in Singapore, vehicles changing lanes or turning do not need to signal. People often slow down and watch carefully, not turn signals to ask for directions like in Vietnam.

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Traffic culture in Singapore
Singaporeans mainly use cars

Traffic culture in Singapore

Most Singaporeans use public transportation to get around, most commonly the subway. To get to the stations, people often have to walk a very long distance. However, Singaporeans consider this a health-enhancing sports activity. They took it seriously and didn’t have a single complaint. This shows that Singaporeans are very hardworking, industrious, thrifty and very patient.

The Singapore government stipulates that while using public transportation, people are not allowed to smoke, eat, drink, or litter in the vehicle. People with disabilities, the elderly, children and pregnant women have priority on these public transportation.

People often use loyalty cards to use points Public transport in Singapore. Specifically, people will use cash or credit cards to top up their cards through counters at automatic ticket sales points, ATMs, gas stations, convenience stores, etc. The Government also encourages people to limit Use cash to load the card, instead use smartphone applications such as Android Pay, Apple Pay, PayLah,…

Public transport in Singapore

Singaporeans often pay for train and bus tickets with loyalty cards

Types of public transport in Singapore

Subway – a popular form of transportation in Singapore

The subway in Singapore is called Mass Rapid Transit (abbreviated as MRT). The most used public transport in Singapore. The train operates from 6 a.m. until late at night, serving the daily travel needs of people. The subway network in Singapore spreads nationwide. Favored by the Government, the price is quite reasonable for students and low-income people.

Buses in Singapore

Buses in Singapore operate continuously day and night, and the interior of the bus is especially luxurious. Therefore, many students studying abroad in Singapore often like to “travel” through large and small streets in Singapore on buses on weekends. Before going to a certain location using this public transport, you need to carefully learn the route, stations and departure times of the bus. You can pay for bus tickets by swiping your EZ-Link card or Singapore Tourist Pass card. When you get on the bus, you just need to touch this card to the card reader located next to the driver. When you get off the station, you touch your card again at the card reader located next to the exit door.

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Buses in Singapore

Modern buses in Singapore

One of the public transportation in Singapore – Taxi

Subway and buses only stop at stations, but when traveling by taxi you will be taken to your destination. Taxi fees in Singapore are calculated based on the hourly meter on the vehicle. In Singapore, there are many areas reserved for catching taxis, you have to line up and wait for a taxi in order. These locations are often located in shopping centers and large hotels and restaurants. You can also hail a taxi along the road like in Vietnam. Or if you wait too long, you can contact the switchboard to request a taxi to pick you up.

In general, the transportation system in Singapore has developed and become much more complete in recent years. If you have the opportunity to set foot in this beautiful country, try using typical public transportation such as subways, buses and taxis! Perhaps you will love the culture and people of this Lion Island more.

Tags: transportation system in Singapore, public transportation in Singapore, traffic culture in Singapore, buses in Singapore, popular types of transportation in Singapore, transportation in Singapore, subway in Singapore, taxis in Singapore

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