Study abroad

Some things to know about part-time jobs in Singapore


As a developed country, Singapore is quickly becoming one of the top choices for international students. A number of students around the world wish to move to the lion island nation for higher studies. But we also have to consider that Singapore is one of the expensive countries. There is no doubt that the lifestyle and living standards in Singapore are no less than in other countries such as the US, UK, Australia or Ireland. Therefore, the trend of finding part-time jobs among Singaporean students is increasing. Here are things to know about part-time jobs in Singapore that international students should keep in mind!

Part-time employee in Singapore

A part-time employee in Singapore is someone under a service contract who works less than 35 hours a week. Employer’s service contract for Part-time employee in Singapore must clearly state:

  • Base hourly pay rate
  • Number of hours worked per day or per week
  • Number of working days per week or month
  • Gross hourly pay rate (includes allowances, which must be itemized separately)

Some things to know about part-time jobs in Singapore

Part-time jobs for international students in Singapore

CPF contribution rules for part-time work

This is filed under the CPF Act. Employers need to make CPF contributions for part-time employees. And their contract employees, as long as they earn more than $50 SGD/month. Therefore, those who intend to apply for a job in this beautiful island nation need to pay attention to this CPF issue! CPF contribution rules for part-time work vary depending on each business.
While the same CPF contribution rate applies to both full-time and part-time employees, the actual contribution rate may vary depending on each employee’s age and total salary for the month.
Employees earning less than $500 SGD will not be required to make their employee CPF contributions, and employees earning less than $750 SGD will have lower employee CPF contributions. This does not change the business owner’s CPF contribution rate.

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CPF Japan

Regulations on paying CPF in Singapore

How to calculate overtime pay for part-time jobs in Singapore

Hours in excess of a part-time employee’s normal daily working hours within their contract will be considered overtime. Therefore, you must understand how to calculate overtime pay part-time job in Singapore. Part-time jobs in Singapore earn a basic hourly wage. However, if you work overtime, you will receive 1.5 times the basic hourly salary compared to a full-time employee.

For example, your part-time job in Singapore has a basic hourly wage of $10 SGD/hour and works 4 hours/day. Full-time job works 8 hours/day. If a part-time employee works 10 hours that day, he or she is paid overtime as: (4 hours X $10 SGD) + (2 hours X $10 SGD X 1.5).
Where there are no full-time employees in your company for reference, a “similar full-time employee” will be considered to work 8 hours a day and 44 hours a week.

OT salary in Japan

Regulations on calculating wages for part-time jobs in Singapore

Holiday pay for part-time jobs in Singapore

Part-time employees are entitled to 1 day off per week, if they are required to work at least 5 days a week. This can fall on any date chosen by the employer. However, if the day off is not a Sunday, the employer must prepare a list informing employees of their days off before the start of each month.

If Part-time employee in Singapore work on rest days, their salary depends on the request from the business owner or employee. If a business owner requires employees to work on holidays, the business must pay a higher salary.

For example, your part-time job has a base hourly wage of $10 SGD per hour and works 4 hours a day. Full-time employees work 8 hours a day. If a part-time employee works 10 hours on their day off as required by the business, they are entitled to receive the salary: (2 days X 4 hours X $10 SGD) + (4 hours X $10 SGD) + ( 1.5 X 2 hours X $10 SGD).

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Salary regime for holidays for international students in Singapore

Salary regime for holidays for international students in Singapore

Leave benefits for part-time employees

Part-time employees are entitled to the same leave benefits as full-time employees. This includes paid annual leave and sick leave. Eligible parents are also eligible for maternity leave, paternity leave, and parental leave. Their pay while on leave will be prorated based on similar full-time employees.

Health benefits for part-time jobs in Singapore

Attention international students in Singapore, businesses also have to pay medical consultation fees for their part-time employees. And below are the requirements to ensure medical benefits for part-time jobs in Singapore. This is subject to part-time employees in Singapore:

  • Regulated under the Employment Act
  • Complete at least 3 months of service
  • Be provided with at least one day of paid sick leave
  • A medical certificate (MC) is issued by a public medical facility or nominated by you (employer).

Parttime Japan medical benefits

Medical benefits for part-time jobs in Singapore

Part-time job salary benefits during holidays in Singapore

If the business needs part-time employees to work on holidays, then the salary you receive for the holidays + the basic salary for 1 working day. Part time job in Singapore will be paid for each holiday period in Singapore. Part-time employees are ranked on a scale based on the number of hours they work:

For example, your part-time employee works 20 hours a week (4 hours a day). Your full-time employee works 40 hours per week (8 hours a day). Here is how the formula will be calculated: ((20 X 52 weeks) / (40 hours X 52 weeks)) X (11 Public Holidays a year in Singapore) X (8 hours) = 44 hours for all 11 public holidays.

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Therefore, part-time students should be paid 4 hours per holiday period.

Part-time students are also covered by insurance in Singapore

Singapore insurance policies provide protection for all types of employees, including those who are full-time, part-time, temporary and contract workers. Such persons are considered to be under a service contract. The Employment (Part-Time Employees) Regulations are an additional consideration that employers should keep in mind when hiring part-time employees. Therefore, part-time students are also covered under Singapore’s Employment Act. In particular, international students who are new to studying in Singapore should definitely pay attention to this issue! It helps ensure all your rights in the best way and avoid unnecessary risks.

Part-time insurance Japan

Part-time job in Singapore

Whether you work full-time or part-time, the first thing you must know clearly about the regulations on work and employment benefits in Singapore. With the above information, Phuong Nam Education hopes it will be useful during your study abroad trip to Singapore.

Tags: Study abroad in Singapore, Part-time jobs in Singapore, Should international students work part-time, Benefits of part-time employees in Singapore, Part-time work regulations for international students in Singapore, Suitable jobs for international students in Singapore, Part-time salary for students in Singapore, International student community in Singapore

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